How to Increase

Diversity in Tech

1. Make Hiring More Inclusive

– Use blind resume screening. – Focus on skills, not just degrees. – Partner with diverse job platforms.

– Create safe spaces for underrepresented employees. – Offer mentorship and networking programs.

2. Support Employee-Led Groups

– Make promotions fair and transparent. – Fund scholarships and tech training for diverse talent.

3. Provide Equal Career Growth

– Train teams on unconscious bias. – Build a culture of respect and belonging.

4. Reduce Workplace Bias

– Showcase success stories from different backgrounds. – Encourage diverse voices in leadership roles.

5. Highlight Diverse Leaders

– Support STEM education for minorities. – Offer internships to students from diverse backgrounds.

6. Connect with Schools & Communities

Boost diversity in tech with inclusive hiring, equal growth, mentorship, bias training, and community support!