IT Managers
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Find the best IT managers to join your team with us
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Take Advantage Of Our Hiring Expertise for IT Managers
Let our hiring experts help you recruit top-notch IT Managers/Program Managers for your company with keen eye for identifying the right fit for the right positions. We know how to build your IT department efficiently.
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Project Managers/ Project Coordinators

A project manager is responsible for the smooth implementation of the project and its development. Therefore, the candidate should be very communicative, proactive, organized, good at working under pressure, a team player, knows how to resolve conflicts, is empathetic, and a good negotiator. We make sure the resource possesses these qualities and knows how to monitor, control, and coordinate with the team by managing day-to-day activities.

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Scrum Master/Agile coach/RTE

Scrum Master, Agile coach, and RTE are some of the most sought job titles in the world of IT. They make sure the team is following the scrum process. They serve as a facilitator to help everyone involved in a Scrum project understand the principles of Scrum and improve the process over time. Hence, we make sure the candidate is an excellent communicator with exceptional convincing skills. He should be able to lead by example and is a good coach with an authoritative persona.

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Product Managers/Product Owners

As the necessity of effective product management/product owners increases within IT companies, the job role has become more complex and diverse. The IT Product Manager/Product Owner is a visionary leader who is responsible for product design, development, and documentation. He is responsible for defining the user experience, implementing and managing the customer experience, and building a library of customer requirements. We make sure the resource adheres to all these qualities.

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Business analyst

We all know that every organization is different and that what works for one company will not necessarily work for the other. A business analyst is responsible for analyzing the needs of the business and creating a solution accordingly. He is responsible for translating the needs of the business into deliverables that can be implemented on time and within budget. Hence, we make sure that the resource is a problem-solver, a good communicator, a creative thinker and a strong team player.

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Release Manager

Release managers are responsible for the quality of software in your company. We work to get all-rounders for this post who can ensure a smooth flow of work from developers to testers and from testers to customers. We zero down on a candidate who can understand the needs of the customer and communicate the same with team members, technical managers, developers, and testers. He will be able to gauge the technicalities of the work, making sure the work is progressing to cohere with the deadlines set by him.

Your Overall Solution for Recruiting IT Professionals
Hire high-end Developers, Project co-ordinators and Business Analysts with our help- Your trusted recruiting partners.
Work with remote talent
Connect with Time Agency Group to source and hire remote talents who truly understand the company landscape and deliver the best. Let us connect you.
Quick Facts
Sector YoY % growth
0 %
Average Salary USD
$ 0 K
Minimum Qualification
0 +
IT recruitment employee shaking hands
Get the best IT manager - In time, every time.
Every business needs to hire IT specialists from time to time. But where to start? What questions are important to ask? How do you know you’re getting the most suitable IT manager for the job? That’s why it’s important to turn to a recruitment agency like ours. We take care of all the screening, interviewing, and sorting through CV’s and resumes, giving you access to the best talent available in the market.
IT recruitment services for the best tech talent.
With a constant influx of new technologies and solutions, your business needs to stay on top with out-of-the-box IT resources working for you. Be it Project Managers/ Coordinators, Scrum Master/Agile coach/RTE, Product Managers/Owners, Business Analysts or Release Managers for your projects or hiring an entire team for your organization, WE DO IT ALL
IT recruitment employee shaking hands
Hiring Options


We scout specialized talent with proprietary search methods to identify candidates for your company that are ready to work on a contract basis.


We render agile staffing solutions to help companies recruit a workforce that is highly qualified and aligns with the company's permanent staffing criteria.

Remote Hiring

We analyze your remote hiring needs and harness the potential of candidates to deliver suitable profiles for your business and help you build a remote team.

Bespoke Hiring

We offer tailor-made staffing services using advanced sourcing technologies to help organizations bring solid talent together which makes a difference.

Contract Hiring Icon - Hand Shake

We scout specialized talent with proprietary search methods to identify candidates for your company that are ready to work on a contract basis.

Employee ID card - Representing Permanent Hire
Direct Hire

We render agile staffing solutions to help companies recruit a workforce that is highly qualified and aligns with the company's permanent staffing criteria.

Remote Hiring

We analyze your remote hiring needs and harness the potential of candidates to deliver suitable profiles for your business and help you build a remote team.

RPO Services

You can count on us for a complete recruitment solution for all or some of your organization's recruiting needs. A dedicated recruitment team executes it.

Benefits of Hiring an IT Managers
In today’s business world, the role of an IT manager is important as they are a key part of the decision-making process. They are hired to manage the company’s IT department, but they often have much bigger roles in a company. Companies that want a good IT manager will want them to have a few essential qualities like- Organizational skills, Communication skills • Leadership qualities, Technical knowledge, Business sense, Customer-service attitude etc.

Here are some benefits of hiring a IT Manager

  1.  An IT manager is a technical expert who has an in-depth knowledge of technology and how it works. This is, of course, essential for any company that relies on technology and computer systems,
  2. An IT manager can help with the day-to-day IT running of your business. This will help to ensure that you can always get the help when you need it, without having to wait.
  3. An IT manager will be able to help when you are transitioning into new technology, ensuring that you get the best deals when you need to update your computer systems.
  4. An it manager will help to ensure that your business is protected.
Still confused?
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Top Hiring Positions
Some of the IT manager's talents we fill
Project Managers
MidLevel Project Managers
Project Engineering Manager
Project Development Manager
Project Integrator Manager
Project Schedule Manager
Sr. Project/Change Manager
Project / Program Manager
Project Task Manager
Project Risk Manager
Project/Task Manager
Project Delivery Manager
Group Manager/Project Executive
Manager, Project Management
Scrum Master
Technical Project Manager/Scrum Master
Agile Scrum Master
Lead Scrum Master
Senior Scrum Master
Product Managers
Product Owner/ Manager
Product Owners
Technical Product Owner
Senior Product Owner
Principal Financial Systems Product Owner
Technical Product Owner
Network Product Owner
Senior Product Owner/Business Analyst
Product Owner II
Business analyst
Business System Analyst
Release Manager
Release Manager II
SAP Basis Release manager
Change Release Manager
Project Lead IT Release Manager
Non-Technical Release Manager
Cybersecurity Release Manager
Change/Release Manager
Release Manager Team Lead
Non-Technical Release Planning Manager
Salesforce Release and Environment Manager
Manager, Change & Release Management
Program Manager with Release Management
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