IT Recruiting & Staffing in

Technology Recruitment and Staffing Agency in Hawaii, HI

Hawaii Tech Recruiter

Partner with TAG to hire the best US IT talent for placements in Hawaii.
Hawaii is not just a tourist destination but a tech haven as well. The tech industry makes up 3.8% of the Hawaiian economy. The state has employed over 30,000 tech professionals as a part of its growing workforce. Honolulu is Hawaii’s leading tech hub where tech employees get paid 52% higher than the average citizen. Time Agency Group identifies the employment demand and categorically analyses each candidate’s resume and background information before setting up an interview. Our rigorous screening process sieves out only the most ideal candidate for the specified role. TAG not only scans resumes but reaches out to experts in their niche. We keep a tab on high-ranking IT professionals willing to make a career upgrade to your organization in Honolulu, Hawaii. Get in touch to know more by filling out the form.